Ward 9


Committee People

  • Bryan Walsh

    Bryan has lived/worked in the 9th Ward since 2007. He is eager to work on initiatives which put People First in the 9th Ward and in the City. He is also an artist with the Screwed Arts Collective, a former gallery owner, and a 2012 graduate of the Community Arts Training Institute (CAT). His favorite sport (playing and watching) is ice hockey.

    • (314) 479-5464
  • Sara Johnson

    Sara Johnson resides in Benton Park West, where she works as a community organizer for The Salvation Army. Before joining the non profit sector, she taught high school social studies. Sara is a community garden enthusiast, and enjoys leading a youth garden for the young people in her neighborhood.

    • 314-305-6103

Ward 9 Map & Boundaries

Boundaries: Beginning at the point of intersection of Gravois Ave and Potomac St, and proceeding easterly along Gravois Ave to S Jefferson Ave, and proceeding northerly along S Jefferson Ave to Shenandoah Ave, and proceeding easterly on Shenandoah to Indiana Ave, and proceeding southerly on Indiana Ave to Victor St, and proceeding easterly on Victor St to Gravois Ave, and proceeding easterly along Gravois Ave to I-55, and proceeding southerly along I-55 to Sidney St, and proceeding easterly along Sidney St to the Mississippi River, and proceeding southerly along the Mississippi River to River Bluff Pl, and proceeding westerly along River Bluff Pl to S Broadway, and proceeding southerly along S Broadway to Nebraska Ave, and proceeding northerly along Nebraska Ave to Delor St, and proceeding westerly along Delor St to a north/south alleyway between S Compton and Michigan and proceeding northerly along such alleyway to Itaska St, and proceeding westerly along Itaska St to S Compton, and proceeding northerly along S Compton Ave to Osceola St, and proceeding easterly along Osceola St to Michigan Ave, and proceeding southerly along Michigan Ave to an east/west alleyway, and proceeding easterly along such alleyway to Minnesota Ave, and proceeding northerly along Minnesota Ave to Meramec St, and proceeding easterly along Meramec St to I- 55, and proceeding easterly along I- 55 to S Broadway, and proceeding westerly along S Broadway to Miami St, and proceeding westerly along Miami St to Indiana Ave, and proceeding northerly along Indiana Ave to Potomac St, and proceeding westerly along Potomac St to S Jefferson Ave, and proceeding northerly along S Jefferson Ave to Cherokee St, and proceeding westerly along Cherokee St to S Compton Ave, and proceeding southerly along S Compton Ave to Potomac St, and proceeding westerly along Potomac St to the point of beginning.